miércoles, 25 de junio de 2008
My Profile

*People learn about fascinating values and magical culture Latvia has.
*Appreciate the Latvia's biodiversity.
*Tourists have the opportunity to learn about values that Latvians have in order to not hurt their feelings.
*People don't have any issue with the documents that they need for travel to Latvia.
*Making easier the communication between the tourists with native people providing information to them about the language, the idioms that are common in this country.
lunes, 23 de junio de 2008
Class Assigment: argumentative essay module 3
Media presents the woman as an object that sells and buys everything that the consumption society shows, and it promotes topics like love, happiness, comfort and home, etc. In men’s case the topics are: aggression, adventure, death, violence etc. Besides, people always watch on television images of beautiful, thin, strong and popular people, in other words perfect people without troubles; as a result of that, people are trying to be like them.
Some people may say that advertising is necessary because it supports the trade growth, it destroys the monopolies, it broadcasts information of common interest and it develops people’s creativity. However, advertising has more negative than positive effects, it is demonstrated by the increased of plastic surgeries in few years; since, people do not feel pleased about how they are, they are getting addicted to surgeries and they change how they look like frequently.
In short, publicists have to be more responsible and careful when they communicate information or any message to people. Besides, everything that television broadcasts is not true; so, people should not believe everything and they do not have to change their identity, as a consequence of advertising.
Firstly, beliefs and values come from the social group in which everyone were born, they are acquired along the life and they are regulated by the parents or relatives, they represent the form like human beings organize their life to respond to their interests; besides, they provide the knowledge that people need to dominate and to control the surrounding world.
Some people may say that beliefs and values have more differences than similarities because beliefs are group of ideas and through them people explain their experiences; while, values are patterns and ideals that determine the people's acts and behaviors. However, everybody have beliefs and values that give sense and guide their life; for instance, Western societies have created beliefs keeping in mind values that Christian Religion has like belief in God, in love, in kindness, in the justice, etc.
In short, beliefs and values are part of the culture and they refer to lifestyles, a way of thinking, of acting and feeling. Therefore, this binomial includes beliefs that human beings have about the world and their relationship other people.
viernes, 20 de junio de 2008
Class Assigment: agumentative essay, module 2
Kimun Asner is recognized in Latvia for the crimes that he committed against innocent and indefensible children in Riga. He took advantage of the poverty and abandonment of these kids that did not have parents. Kimun deceived them with presents, money, and promises of buying whatever they wanted according to the investigative documental from Eurovision.
Some people may say that Kimun Asner should not go to jail because he admitted their crimes and he is not guilty; since, he was influenced by the devil, besides, he joined to the catholic religion. However, he killed and raped 146 kids; for this reason he should perform his penalty not just for one child but rather for all the children that he abused, tortured and assassinated.
In short, Kimun Asner has been the worst criminal in Latvia’s history according to his abnormal behavior he caused a lot of pain and absence in the victims’ families for ever.
jueves, 19 de junio de 2008
Class Assigment: Video Module 2
* www.latvia-usa.org/valzatelpres.html June 16th 2008
* http://www.president.lv/pk/content/?art_id=12168 June 16th 2008
miércoles, 18 de junio de 2008
Class Assigment: Summaries of the articles, videos clips and audios
1. Angela´s essay:
Ahmed Bey Zogu, was a impressive leader because he did a treaty with Italia in which the aim was made an easier exchange of products and services that benefit the Albanians; besides, his governorship was successful; since, Albania had wonderful relationship with the countries around it.
2. Ginna´s essay:
In my opinion Han Lini was a good leader in Vanuatu because he taught to native people to have idetity and feel proud of their astonishing island; also, he made his best effort to improve people´s lifestyle increasing the percent of exports to foreing countries.
3. Angela´s essay:
I think that Albanians have wonderful values; such as, respect and love. They show their values through the relations they have with people from overseas; since, Albanians respect their cultures and customs. Also Albanians love their cultural dialogue and biodovesity; for this reason they are trying to conserve them.
4. Angela´s video:
I agree with Angela because Albanians and eagles have similar characteristics; for instance; they have the power to reach their aims. Besides, eagles are fascinating animals because these birds have precious plumage and strong pick.
5. Ginna´s video:
I think that make laws to protect the dugong is a good idea because this animal has several characteristics that become it in a special animal that sadly is in extinction. Besides, the dugong is Vanuatu´s typical sea animal; therefore Vanuatu´s people should guard this animal.
6. Paula´s essay:
From my point of view the leader that Cambodia needs is Norodom Chakrapong because he provided medications to wounded and sick people of the war. In addition, he provided medical supplies and human resources to control an outbreak of dengue fever in the region.
7. Ginna´s video:
When I was watching this video I realized that Vanuatu is a fascinating country, it has wonderful landcapes and at the same time many activities to do; such as, walking in the forest, practicing kayak, swimming in colorful rivers. Besides Vanuatu´s people are friendly and polite when they explain information about the ecological tours, these tours are amazing; since, people can interact with native people and enjoy the biodiversity that this county has.
8. Angela´s essay:
TV is the most powerful mass media nowadays; for this reason, we should realize that watching violent programs are going to influence our behavior; so, is better watching cultural and documental programs that improve our knowledge.
9. Ginna´s essay:
Charles Manson is a man with serious mental disorders; for this reason, he created a dangerous gang called "The Family", he taught to the members of this gang to commit a lot of crimes in public places. Besides, these people did not care to be captured, it is demontrated with impressive amount of murdered people found by the police.
10. Angela´s essay:
Selling drogs to people is a common crime everywhere, people that commit this crime cause a lot of damage to the consumers, the society and the enviroment as well. This is the case of the criminal in Albania that Angela talks is her essay, this criminal tried to erase the damage helping poor people giving them houses and money. I agree with Angela because people that commit this sort of crime have to go to jail for many years.
Class Asigment: argumentative essay, module 2
Valdis’ governorship is focused on the development of trade treaties with foreign countries; thus, Latvia should improve the national industry to be able to compete with international markets in era of globalization. The slogan of his campaign was “To thrive on globalization, not only to survive it”, it means Latvians have to be able to see the opportunities, use them and avoid the risks. Besides, these treaties generate more job opportunities and improve Latvian’s quality of life.
Some people may say that Valdis Zatlers is not the most illustrious leader because as a doctor he accepted private donations from his patients and he does not have political experience; however, his management is successful the statistics demonstrate that between the 2007 and 2008 the population's literacy rate has increased in 46 percent, is it an impressive rise in just one year.
In short, Valdis Zatlers is the most admirable leader according to Latvia’s development in several aspects and his ideologies to become Latvia in a powerful world wide exporting nation as well.
martes, 17 de junio de 2008
independent work (argumentative essay)
Through the human’s history has existed important leaders that make their best effort to improve people’s lifestyle. This is the case of Luis Eduardo Garzon the Bogotá’s mayor, he performed all the promises he did when he was in campaign; for this reason, Lucho is the most representative Colombia’s leader.
Lucho’s governorship was focused in the development of social programs, some of their outstanding programs were Bogotá without indifference in which the aim was the creation of several public schools in marginal neighborhoods of the capital, the amplification and restructuring of others with the idea of promoting an "education with dignity"; and Bogotá without hunger, this program developed nutrition programs to the undernourished children, giving breakfast everyday to these kids.
Some people may say that Luis Eduardo Garzon is not the most illustrious leader because he did not improve the mobility and he did not figure out the issue of travelling salespeople; however his management was successful, the statistics demonstrate that between the 2004 and the 2005 in Bogotá the population decreased under the line of poverty in 4.79 percent, and the population in extreme poverty, by 3.38 percent.
In short, Luis Eduardo Garzon is the most admirable leader according to his management and his ideology.
*http://www.bogota.gov.co/portel/libreria/php/frame_detalle.php?h_id=27490 June 14th 2008
lunes, 16 de junio de 2008
Class assigment (argumentative essay)
Moral values orient the behavior and give sense and merit to the other ones. It is not beneficial be beautiful, healthy and smart if people do not know how to live together or if they are not tolerant, respectful, polite, loyal, solidary, etc. The lack of moral values in the world deteriorates the quality of life.
Some people may say that that moral values are rules that guide the life and become human beings into docile, weak and mediocre people; therefore, values should be abolished or changed by others that respond to freedom and happiness that everybody look for.
- Von Rintelen, Fritz, Values in European Thought I, Pamplona, Spain, Ediciones Universidad Navarra, 1972
Independent work
Giving money to beggars, displaced people, or children in Bogotá’s streets is negative. It is demonstrated by the increase of people in the streets, they are getting used to the mendicity. Citizens see this social phenomenon as something natural and they offer their help giving charity. However, they do not realize that it is an issue that we have to “figure out” with social reformations.
Most beggars in Bogota’s streets are waiting help; they do that because the society has not given them opportunities or they want it; also, they do not desire to work or they do not know to work, etc. In fact, the charity allows them to survive, but it does not help them to “leave” that dependence situation or of social impotence.
The humanitarianism or the altruism of people for compassion has increased this social issue. The only thing that makes the charity is to soften the conscience and the problem, but not to solve it.
However, supporters that disagree with giving money to displaced people say that charity is not the solution neither it is going to change the situation of poverty; rather, radical transformation of the politicians of State is required that distributes the wealth equally, for instance the study, housing, social security, improving in this way the quality of life of all the members of the society.
In short, charity is a negative fact, a type of remedy that has increased the issue, isolating and excluding to some people that have made of the mendicity a form of surviving. Nevertheless, it is not to survive, the real solution is that everybody has the choice of living fully in a fair society.
- www.lavozdelanzarote.com/spip.php?article7839 June 14th 2008
jueves, 12 de junio de 2008
Class assigment: Video about Latvian wolf MODULE 1
- Banville, Paul. The definitive Visual Guide to the World´s Wildlife, Dorling Kindersley Limited, Londres, 2001
martes, 10 de junio de 2008
Web proyect: Descriptive essay, Module 1
Latvia is as cold as people's blood that live there, Latvians´ beauty is like their inspiring forests and fascinatings seas. Latvians are keen on loving their fantastic museums and galleries with bohemian paintings, fascinating opera, and their astonishing coasts and with their ancient and seafaring traditions that are their soul and stamp of identity in a region subjected since many years ago by other people's cultures.
Their strength, forces, and vigor are some of many values that distinguish Latvia. The strength allows them to stay faithful to their convictions, and confronting them with stability and energy to fight back to the different cruel German and Soviet invasions that have marked history forever.
The freedom has been difficult to reach, it is another value to Latvians. Serguéi Mijailovich Einsenstein is one of the most illustrious men; since, he did one of the most emotional movies for their revolutionary inspiration "The Armored Potemkin", this performance is a song to the freedom that describes the battle to conserve it.
In short, Latvians are people that love, defend, and feel proud of this country and they show their feelings through values that they teach to the youth to conserve them.
- http://www.li.lv/ June 10th 2008
- Biblioteca de Consulta Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2005. © 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation.
Class assigments
1. Tseta Dashi
4. Tseta Dashi´s mother
6. Tseta Dashi´s brothers
9. Pizuchuma, Tseta Dashi´s sister
11. Pizuchuma´s two daughters
13. Tseta Dashi´s mother´s brother
House B
5. Tseta Dashi´s father
12. Tseta Dashi´s father´s mother
House C
7. Tseta Dashi´s older brother´s children
8. Tseta Dashi´s older brother´s wife
House D
10. Pizuchuma´s husband
14. Pizuchuma´s mother-in-law
House E
2. Tseta Dashi´s wife
3. Tseta Dashi´s daughter
Explanation of answer A (sumarizing):
I chose the choice 3 because in this option doesn´t mention the marry like in the choice 4 and in the reading the reader is assuming that they married but this never happened in the story and for these reasons I chose the option 3.
Strategies for reading
1. Read the questions carefully: to know what information you are going to look for in the text.
2. Prediction: to trying to figure out what happens next.
3. Gramatical conection: to identify what sort of answer you should look for. For instance: numbers, names, places, years, etc.
4.Scaning: read fast the text to search for key words or ideas, moving the eyes quickly down the page seeking specific words and phrases.
5.Skimming: to identify the main ideas of a text.
6. Read and underline information: to identify quickly where is the posible answer.
7. Check the answers: to be sure that the answers are right.