martes, 10 de junio de 2008

Web proyect: Descriptive essay, Module 1

What are the Latvians like? The aim of this question is to solve the subject of identity, strength and freedom of this proud country that never gave up on fighting against the German and soviet punishments.

Latvia is as cold as people's blood that live there, Latvians´ beauty is like their inspiring forests and fascinatings seas. Latvians are keen on loving their fantastic museums and galleries with bohemian paintings, fascinating opera, and their astonishing coasts and with their ancient and seafaring traditions that are their soul and stamp of identity in a region subjected since many years ago by other people's cultures.

Their strength, forces, and vigor are some of many values that distinguish Latvia. The strength allows them to stay faithful to their convictions, and confronting them with stability and energy to fight back to the different cruel German and Soviet invasions that have marked history forever.

The freedom has been difficult to reach, it is another value to Latvians. Serguéi Mijailovich Einsenstein is one of the most illustrious men; since, he did one of the most emotional movies for their revolutionary inspiration "The Armored Potemkin", this performance is a song to the freedom that describes the battle to conserve it.
The freedom is the only possibility to conserve the dignity and autonomy of a country as Latvians energetic as its huge forests or dangerous and frozen as its seas.

In short, Latvians are people that love, defend, and feel proud of this country and they show their feelings through values that they teach to the youth to conserve them.

  • June 10th 2008
  • Biblioteca de Consulta Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2005. © 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation.

3 comentarios:

ALBANIA dijo...

your essay is very comprehensive and interesting, because you really express how is the culture in Latvia, and you use variety adjective.

Ginnis Blanco dijo...
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Ginnis Blanco dijo...

Hello olga: I like so much your essay because its very complete and you use an apropriate structure for write its, besides, you use a lot of adjetives. I think that is very interesting your country.